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There are 7 rarities (in this order):
Some upgrades do not have rarities but seem to be extremely common. Those are in here as Normal.
Artifact is special and described as: "Artifacts are MEGA powerful upgrades that are extremely rare. They only last one round, so use them when you can!"
It's not just a machine and it's not just a gun, but it's definitely a machine gun.
Increases SB-34 magazine size.
Decrease the recoil of the SB-34.
Increase SB-34's reload speed. (Locked behind Progression tree)
Increases SB-34 fire rate.
After reloading, temporarily boost the SB-34's fire rate. (Locked behind Progression tree)
After 5 consecutive hits with the SB-34, temporarily boost your movement speed.
The last bullet in your SB-34's magazine inflicts poison.
Feel the Wild Wild West in the palm of your hand.
Increases the Ironclad's ammo capacity. (Locked behind Progression tree)
Frags with the Ironclad increases the speed of your next reload. (Locked behind Progression tree)
Ironclad bullets now pierce through players.
The Ironclad's last bullet deals increased damage.
Using secondary fire with the Ironclad shoots every bullet in a single burst. (Locked behind Progression tree)
Your Ironclad will never need to be reloaded.
Nothing feels better than a long-range headshot.
Increases the Heavy Sniper's magazine size. (Locked behind Progression tree)
Increases the Heavy Sniper's reload speed.
Increase Heavy Sniper accuracy while not scoped in. (Locked behind Progression tree)
Increase the Heavy Sniper's fire rate.
Heavy Sniper bullets now pierce through players. (Locked behind Progression tree)
The Heavy Sniper's scope charge is now almost instantaneous. (Locked behind Progression tree)
Increases the ability's radius.
Lowers ability cooldown.
Increases how long the ability lasts.
Creates a healing aura for you and your teammates to recover in.
Increase number of charges by 1. (Locked behind Progression tree)
Creates a ball of smoke, enter it to cloak yourself for a few seconds.
Lowers ability cooldown.
Increases the ability's radius. (Locked behind Progression tree)
Increases how long the ability lasts. (Locked behind Progression tree)
Your first shot while being cloaked deals extra damage. (Locked behind Progression tree)
Enemies hit by your smoke are blinded for a few seconds.
Deal periodic damage to anyone who enters the smoke. (Locked behind Progression tree)
Enter the smoke to become invisible for a few seconds.
Create a big boom to deal damage to enemies.
Lowers ability cooldown.
Increases the amount of knockback done.
Increases how much damage the ability does.
Increases the ability's radius. (Locked behind Progression tree)
Enemies hit by explosions are ignited, doing damage over time.
Your grenade now bounces twice before its final detonation, exploding on each bounce. (Locked behind Progression tree)
Release a cluster of smaller bombs on explosion.
Use your Hookshot to quickly travel around the map.
Lowers ability cooldown.
You can now swing in the air with your Hookshot.
Increase number of charges by 1.
Grab players with your hook, and deal increased damage with your first shot on the target.
Your hookshot now has 6 charges, and half the cooldown. Go wild. (Locked behind Progression tree)
Lowers ability cooldown.
Scans the location on impact, revealing players within a radius.
Lowers ability cooldown.
Increases the number of waves sent from the Scanner Grenade. (Locked behind Progression tree)
Increases the ability's radius. (Locked behind Progression tree)
Grants the player a slight overshield for every enemy hit with the Scanner Grenade.
Enemies hit with EMP are briefly stunned and have their abilities disabled for a short duration. No longer pulses multiple times. (Locked behind Progression tree)
All of your teammates can now also see the players hit by the Scanner Grenade.
It's not the size that matters, it's how you use it.
Increases Spectre's magazine size. (Locked behind Progression tree)
Decrease the spread of Spectre when spraying.
Decreases Spectre's recoil. (Locked behind Progression tree)
Increases the reload speed of the Spectre.
After reloading, temporarily boost the Spectre's fire rate. (Locked behind Progression tree)
Your Spectre has a 50% chance to not consume ammo when hitting an enemy.
Haunt your enemies with energy.
Increases the Banshee's energy capacity. (Locked behind Progression tree)
The Banshee can now regain energy faster.
Increase the Banshee's projectile speed. (Locked behind Progression tree)
Your Banshee's first hit on an enemy temporarily disables their ability to heal. (10 second cooldown)
Enemies hit 10 times with the Banshee explode for extra damage. (Locked behind Progression tree)
A bow, but cross-shaped.
Increases the amount of bolts you can shoot before you need to reload. (Locked behind Progression tree)
Increase the Blue-J's bolt projectile speed.
Increases fire rate of the Blue-J. (Locked behind Progression tree)
Blue-J bolts now pierce through players.
Shooting teammates with the Blue-J now heals them. (Locked behind Progression tree)
Fire two bolts in quick succession, allowing for massive damage. (Locked behind Progression tree)
You can jump once while in mid-air.
Fill your Heal-o-meter to gain a temporary damage boost.
Lowers ability cooldown.
Dodge quickly into battle, or away to safety.
Increase number of charges by 1.
Gain a movement speed boost after using Bolt.
Using Bolt resets your double-jump.
Damages and knocks back enemies in close proximity. (Locked behind Progression tree)
Lowers ability cooldown.
A beam of energy that heals nearby teammates.
Increases amount of energy available before overheating.
Increases amount of healing done by the Healing Beam. (Locked behind Progression tree)
Increases ability range. (Locked behind Progression tree)
Healing teammates with the Healing Beam also heals yourself.
Grants an overshield to teammates that are healed beyond max health.
Your Healing Beam becomes empowered, chaining it's path between teammates. (Locked behind Progression tree)
Summon an aura around you, healing teammates that stay close by.
Lowers ability cooldown.
Increases the amount of healing done.
Increases the ability's radius. (Locked behind Progression tree)
Increases how long the ability lasts.
On ability use, begin armor regen right away instead of waiting 10 seconds.
Release a shockwave and launch enemies into the air. (Locked behind Progression tree)
Give yourself and teammates within your healing aura a burst of speed on activation. (Locked behind Progression tree)
Throw an energy bomb that heals teammates over time.
Lowers ability cooldown. (Locked behind Progression tree)
Increases ability power.
Increases the amount of knockback done.
Increases the ability's radius.
Enemies hit by the Holy Sphere are ignited. (Locked behind Progression tree)
Direct hits do increased damage.
Your Holy Sphere explodes into an array of healing orbs that scatter along a path. (Locked behind Progression tree)
Use teleport to quickly travel to the ally you are aiming at.
Increase number of charges by 1.
A machine gun with some serious weight to it.
Increase the Echo HMG's magazine size. (Locked behind Progression tree)
Increase the Echo HMG's reload speed.
Increase the accuracy of the Echo HMG. (Locked behind Progression tree)
Increase the Echo HMG's fire rate.
Increase the burst of the Echo HMG to 4 bullets, but do less damage per bullet. (Locked behind Progression tree)
Beam your opponents down, but be aware that it has a limited range.
Your Shaft overheats less easily.
The Shaft cools down faster after overheating. (Locked behind Progression tree)
Increase the beam range of the Shaft. (Locked behind Progression tree)
Do higher damage to opponents that are farther away.
Gain an overshield after breaking an enemy's armor with Shaft. (Locked behind Progression tree)
Launch exploding rockets at your enemies. WARNING: Don't explode yourself.
Increases the amount of rockets in the Rocket Launcher.
When reloading, increase the amount of rockets received by 1. (Locked behind Progression tree)
Increase rocket explosion radius. (Locked behind Progression tree)
Gain an overshield every time you hit an enemy with a direct rocket.
Your own rockets can no longer damage you.
Rockets now ignite enemies. (Locked behind Progression tree)
Direct hits with rockets deal 50% more damage. (Locked behind Progression tree)
Lowers ability cooldown.
Increases the ability's radius.
Lowers ability cooldown.
Increases the ability's radius.
Lowers ability cooldown.
Leap in the direction you're aiming, making for a powerful surprise attack or an effective escape.
Lowers ability cooldown.
You travel further with Leap.
Allows you to use Leap while in mid-air.
Gain a frontal shield while leaping that you cannot shoot through.
Unleash three charges of swift, forceful leaps. Each time you land, deal damage and knock back enemies. (Locked behind Progression tree)
Fire a powerful orb that you can guide with your mouse movement.
The Overload orb is no longer affected by gravity.
Lowers ability cooldown. (Locked behind Progression tree)
Increases how much damage the ability does.
Removes self-inflicting damage on Overload ability use. (Locked behind Progression tree)
Gain 10 overshield for every enemy hit with Overload. [Multiplied by stacks] (Locked behind Progression tree)
Enemies hit by the Overload orb are ignited, dealing damage over time.
Teleport to the position of the Overload orb's explosion. (Locked behind Progression tree)
Lowers ability cooldown.
Increases the ability's radius.
Increases how long the ability lasts.
Lowers ability cooldown.
Increases the ability's radius.
Place a destructible dome shield that protects you and your teammates.
Increase number of charges by 1.
After a charge-up period, fire a powerful beam from your chest.
Increases the ability's radius.
Lowers ability cooldown. (Locked behind Progression tree)
Increases how much damage the ability does. (Locked behind Progression tree)
Damage increases for every player hit with your Chunky Beam.
Enemies hit by Chunky Beam are ignited, dealing damage over time.
Creates an exploding orb at the end of the Chunky Beam. (Locked behind Progression tree)
Allows Chunky Beam to travel through solid objects. (Locked behind Progression tree)
Sends out a swam of rockets at your target location.
Increases the total range of the mini rockets. (Locked behind Progression tree)
Lowers ability cooldown.
Fires 2 additional mini rockets. (Locked behind Progression tree)
Increases speed of the mini rockets. (Locked behind Progression tree)
30% of rockets fired from Rocket Hail are now homing rockets. (Locked behind Progression tree)
Your own grenades can no longer damage you. (Locked behind Progression tree)
Increase grenade explosion radius.
Blast your enemies to pieces, but be careful not to overheat.
Your Blaster overheats less easily.
Your Blaster cools down quicker after overheating.
Increase Blaster projectile speed. (Locked behind Progression tree)
Your Blaster does splash damage. (Locked behind Progression tree)
Use your Blaster as a thruster to fly through the air. (Locked behind Progression tree)
For close encounters.
Increases the amount of ammo the Wolfhound holds.
Your Wolfhound deals extra damage while you are airborne.
Increases the Wolfhound's reload speed. (Locked behind Progression tree)
Decrease the Wolfhound's bullet spread.
Hitting all pellets in one shot temporarily increases movement speed.
Each Wolfhound pellet that hits an enemy restores 1 hp. (Locked behind Progression tree)
If you like grenades, but are too weak to throw them.
Increases the magazine size
Increase grenade explosion radius.
Your own grenades can no longer damage you. (Locked behind Progression tree)
Your grenades bounce less, and have a shorter fuse time. (Locked behind Progression tree)
A small lava puddle is created after each grenade explosion, dealing damage to enemies that touch it. (Locked behind Progression tree)
Throw your shield, dealing damage to enemies that it hits.
Lowers ability cooldown.
Your shield returns after being thrown, damaging enemies on the return flight. (Locked behind Progression tree)
Your shield will ricochet off of enemies in close proximity to one another. (Locked behind Progression tree)
Increases the projectile speed of your shield throw.
Deploy a handheld shield to protect yourself and your teammates.
Increases the activated Shield Field movement speed. (Locked behind Progression tree)
Your shield has increased durability.
Teammates are now able to shoot through your shield.
Shield Field can now deflect projectiles, dealing 25% damage to enemies hit by deflections. The shield now breaks easier. (Locked behind Progression tree)
Charge forward with your shield, dealing damage to enemies caught in your path.
Lowers ability cooldown.
Increases the max speed of your Charge.
You have increased traction, granting you increased turning at the start of your Charge. (Locked behind Progression tree)
Gain 10 overshield for each enemy hit with Charge. (Locked behind Progression tree)
In Big Mode, slam the ground. In Small Mode, throw an uppercut.
Activate to change your size. In Big Mode, you have increased health. In Small Mode, you move faster, deal less damage, and can hover using jump.
Doubles the landing impact damage after a big fall when switching from Small to Big mode while airborne.
Gain a temporary speed boost when switching to Small mode.
Gain overshield when switching from Small to Big mode.
Reduce all of your cooldowns when you eliminate an enemy. (Locked behind Progression tree)
Armor regen resets when eliminating another player. (Locked behind Progression tree)
Gain a small overshield every time you eliminate an enemy.
The first bullet in your magazine does extra damage. (Locked behind Progression tree)
You are immune to knockback while you have armor. (Locked behind Progression tree)
Clear all negative defects after using a jump pad.
You can now regenerate health along with armor after avoiding combat for a short period of time. (Locked behind Progression tree)
Allows you to earn passive currency while you're alive. (Locked behind Progression tree)
Defeating another player restores 25% of your maximum ammunition. (Locked behind Progression tree)
Gain interest on your currency when the round starts. (Locked behind Progression tree)
Guns now do extra damage while you are sliding.
Gain a movement speed boost after 3 seconds of not taking damage. Otherwise, you move slightly slower. (Locked behind Progression tree)
Gain a speed boost after reloading your weapon. (Locked behind Progression tree)
Lowers ability cooldown.
Use your own health as ammo to continue shooting after emptying your magazine without reloading. (Locked behind Progression tree)
At the start of every round, mark an enemy. If you eliminate the marked enemy you will earn a currency bonus. If the target eliminates you, the mark is lost. (Locked behind Progression tree)
Convert all of your HP to armor. Your HP is now locked at 1. (Locked behind Progression tree)
Your bullets have a small chance to deal poison damage.
Your bullets have a small chance to ignite enemies.